
DUBÉ LATREILLE est un cabinet d’avocats en droit des affaires qui contribue à la compétitivité des entreprises en les aidant à faire les bons choix en matière de protection des renseignements personnels, de droit de la vie privée et de cybersécurité.

Role in the Digital Circle

  • General compliance audit (to establish a priority plan)
  • Update of governance rules
  • Review of contracts (HR, suppliers, cyber insurance, etc.)
  • Validation of security protocols
  • Staff training according to your needs (scope of Bill 25, cybersecurity)
  • Development of contingency plans (in the event of a privacy incident)
  • Responding to privacy incidents

Legal services and
compliance with Act 64

Reputation management and crisis communication

Information Technology

Cyberinvestigations and penetration tests

Personal data management

Fraud prevention and
cybersecurity training